A vaporizer is divided into two types, namely a hot air vaporizer and a hot plate vaporizer. Both types of vaporizers work in their own way, with the same end goal: evaporating herbs by heating and not by combustion.
Hot air vaporizer , also known as a convection vaporizer, has an indirect heating method. The big advantage of this is that the temperature is better distributed than with a hot plate vaporizer. In addition, a hot air weed vaporizer has a more precise temperature setting. The element that provides heating is located in a separate room in these vaporizers, which ensures that the hot air can slowly penetrate the herbs or oil without burning it. Because there is no combustion, the aromas come into their own better. Hot air weed vaporizers provide a soft, light vapor. The disadvantage of this type of vaporizer is that they are generally more expensive and complicated than a hot plate dry herb vaporizer.
Hot plate vaporizer , also known as a conduction vaporizer, has a direct heating method. These vaporizers have a hot plate on which you place herbs or oil. By heating the plate, active ingredients in the herbs will evaporate. This type of cannabis vaporizer often produces a full, dense vapor. A conduction vaporizer is often simpler than a hot air weed vaporizer, is easier to maintain and is usually cheaper to purchase. Unfortunately, this type of cannabis vaporizer also has disadvantages. During a session you should stir the herbs so that not only the bottom herbs are heated. And because the temperature is less easy to manage, there is a chance that the herbs will sometimes be slightly burned by the hot plate. However, the combustion remains less than when you actually smoke it.